Our main aim is to build an inclusive, supportive school community which fosters high achievement for all pupils across the curriculum. The curriculum is viewed as being everything that goes on within the school, and includes the mental, emotional and physical health of staff and pupils. The school is committed to developing learning and participation for all who work here.

We consider that a child has a Special Educational Need if he/she has a noticeably greater difficulty in learning than the majority of his/her peers. We also recognise that some children will have behavioural, emotional, medical or physical needs, including those of a speech or language nature, which will affect their potential for learning.

Whatever their problems, we believe all children are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum and equality of opportunity which may involve enhanced provision and support. We provide a good learning environment which creates an atmosphere of encouragement, respect for achievement and sensitivity of individual needs.

We have set up a system, in accordance with the new Code of Practice for SEN and Staffordshire Stages of Assessment for Pupils with Special Educational Needs, which provides early identification and support for children with Special Educational Needs.

We have an on-going system to monitor pupil progress. These procedures will involve consultation with parents and liaison with support agencies such as the Education Authority’s Special Needs and Psychological Services, and the development of personal learning plans (PLPs).

For children who are experiencing social, emotional or behavioural difficulties we are able to offer support through our nurture provision.


Our SENDCO is: Mrs Claire Plimmer

Contact 01283 247920

Please find some useful resources, website links, policies and documents below for your information. Click on the links to visit the website or click on the attachments to open them.  

The British Dyslexia Foundation

The Dyscalculia Centre

Young minds

Dyslexia Centre

Dyspraxia Foundation

The National Autistic Society

​Staffordshire Connect Local Offer